
Showing posts from March, 2012

Nano Block -- My New Toy

Today I went to Popular bookstore to hunt for some things to spend my rm100 voucher.. Another rm100 has been used to buy textbook (see I'm such a good student xD).. Then left this rm100, and I have no idea what to buy.. Actually I was pondering whether to buy the The Hunter Game Trilogy or not.. But after reading the synopsis, it doesn't really attract me that much.. So I wandered somemore in search for other things.. After wandering for nearly an hour, I gave up finding books already, cuz I don't really have time reading them all yet.. >< Then I come across Westlife recent album -- which is also their last album.. I didn't have the chance to buy it yet, and so I took it.. I have around rm50+ more to spend, that was when I saw it.. NANO BLOCKS They are mini version of Lego.. And I found the ones that I like -- an electric keyboard and an electric guitar.. When I reach home, I started putting those blocks together.. It is very easy to do.. It took ...


不知不觉,学期已经进入第3个星期了... 烦assignment的时刻就要开始了.. 但是每一科的assignment,我都还摸不清它们的低,也不知要从哪下手... 还有...想逃lecture的心情又再次涌上心头了 *猛摇头...不可以!不可以!* 总之,懒精啊~你这不识好歹的东西,又撞进我的神经里了... 今天,发现我的学校account被barred了..学校电脑,WiFi都用不到... 但幸好我还记得我好姐妹的id和password,“hack”进了她的account用WiFi.. 在此向我的好姐妹赔罪 *鞠躬* 但我知道你不会介意的 =P 被barred的原因,原来我这学期还的sem fee只还了3个科目.. 还有一科还没还... 我真的很不喜欢Financial的服务咯.... 人家几时会知道到底有没有欠钱啊...也不会通知一下的... 好心你们,改一改你们的服务系统吧... 一个email也可以send过来吧,不是很困难罢了.. /_\ 这几天也开始兴起玩起Instagram来... 因为上课,真的真的很闷! 我蛮喜欢这个老师的..她的教法很有趣..只是课题很闷!/_\ 在学校,很有动力做功课 =D 一大早上LAW课,简直要人命! 这个是新鲜出炉的 xD 今天上完课拍了一张  ♥ 很喜欢Instagram.... 因为它会把我拍到美美的 ^////^ 还有它的效果我也很喜欢.. 很有feel...xD 对了..今天是我们PD2第一个presentation,也是这个学期第一个presentation... 发觉我的group members都很有料哦~ 喜欢和他们合作... 希望我们不会有什么冲突..顺顺利利完成这个学期~ ♥