Back from Sarawak

Just a short update before I off the comp and go to sleep..=D

Came back from Sarawak trip, safely arriving in LCCT around 5.30pm just now afternoon.
The flight was smooth, no delay and reached 20mins earlier than expected some more! See how lucky are we.. xD
But then going back to Bandar Sunway from LCCT is abit time taking cause nobody can come and pick us up..
To avoid jam on road, we took the bus around 7.30pm to KL Sentral, and from there, we took a taxi to come back Sunway.
Then later on, went to meet my boyfie who came back for holidays from Taiwan the day before..
Went out to yamcha wif boyfie, Esther and Joey..
The feeling of 4 of us getting together stays the same, and it felt like those months when boyfie went to Taiwan was like a dream at that moment.. Haha.. ^o^
Miss my boyfie alot! I'm going to see him as many times as I could in this 1 month.. =)


To Sarah and KY..
We'll meet again real soon (this year end) xD
We promise to go on a cruise, aite? xDDD
We will get together again, sampat together again, laugh together again and enjoy the moment of togetherness..
All the best in studies!


Back in hostel...
So many clothes to wash!
Now I'm done with that and preparing to sleep already.. xD
And tomorrow, uni life starts again, now added with an assignment which I don't even know what to do..

Well... this is it, then..
A short & random update..
Too tired and sleepy to get everything right now..
Pardon me yea.. ^_<


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