
Showing posts from November, 2011


昨天,成绩出了... 虽然是在我预料之中,但是还是有那么一点点的难过... 可能,我是很希望这次可以顺顺利利.. 但是算了,可能是命中注定吧... 也许,这会是对的选择... 所以,我不顾虑太多了,面对该来的是最重要 =) 但,我也没完全伤心,因为有个科目的成绩是我希望得到的.. 而且我的确做到... 呵呵~ 昨天刚知道的时候,有点不知所措的感觉... 想哭又想笑... 我傻了.... 哈哈哈~ 但今天的心情给了个答案... 我... 其实是伤心多过开心... 也不能怪谁,因为是自己没读好来,才得到这样的成绩... 自食其果吧~ 我知错了...上天也对我不错了... 他让我至少在伤心内找到开心的理由~ 最后,希望我会enjoy这个summer school~ 加油加油^^


何时开始,我养成了自相矛盾的性格? 以前的自己,都不会这个样的... 都是很果断... 人家说,女人都很矛盾... 难道.....我已经开始变成了他们所谓的“女人”?! 哈哈哈哈~ 今早... 本来已经没心情去做工了.. 原因因为很懒惰面对恐怖的人群 二来,明天成绩出,更没心情... 但是我还是换好衣服了,吃饱了,而且还坐进车里,准备去做工了... 就在那下一秒,我有改变主意,然后就没去做工了 =.= 你们说,我是不是超级无敌的矛盾?xD 矛盾的我 ^^|||


今天整天其实心情很不错的... 但刚才一刹那,心情突然360度转变... 现在是处于很不开心,很寂寞的心情.. 找不到原因,因此更加郁闷... 突然好不想要做工... 明天已经打算不做了.. 随便找个理由吧,反正他们也都一样,不是么? 一直乖乖守规矩,很吃亏呢.... 反正也只是个part-time... 也幸好没有一个那里的员工知道我部格的存在,所以我可以很放心地写... 之前打算做到一月底... 之后开始很不开心这工作,开始提前结束日子.. 前几天决定做到12月尾,但是刚才很有冲动做到12月中,就跑人,或者直接做到这个月尾就算了... 原因其一也是因为有点撑不过半工半读... 12月开始的休假班,怕会很压力.. 再过几天成绩出炉的担心,更是压缩了要半工半读的心情.. 很怕自己做不好.. 我不想有fail.. 因为一fail,就要拖半年的学业,我不想... 祈祷我的account不fail (祈祷....祈祷....) 我承认,我没好好去准备它.. 我承认是我的错.. 但后悔莫及,都考出来了... 只求上天对我好一些吧... 还有重要的是,我想要一个完整的假期.. 完整地,我可以轻轻松松做想做的事,娱乐,和朋友相处...


今天是第一天放假.... 放假最重要要做的当然是舒解压力,做自己想做的东西... 我爱看故事书,尤其是英文.... 魔法,探险.... 只要有关于超异能力的故事情节,都会喜欢... 最近在看着一本6年前看过的书... 对~那时候才form 3,刚考完PMR... 我有个要好的朋友,也是跟我的喜好一样,都爱看这类的书... 当时,她有了这系列小说,借我看... 之后,我都很记得那些书的名,还有一些故事情节... 我对于每一个放感情,很爱的物品,书本,喜剧.... 它们的一切一切,我都会永远记得... 让我介绍介绍这系列... 它在我完成那故事之后,出了第4本 分别是 Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, Across The Wall 是关于一个死人的使者,名字是Abhorsen... 主角是个小女孩,她爸爸是个Abhorsen.. 有一天,她爸爸消失了,留下了Abhorsen用的武器给她.. 她把它们穿上,去寻找她爸爸,也是等于她的路程成为一个真正的使者... 很不错一下... 这里是第一和第二本..还有一本在KL 之后,刚才傍晚和妈妈一起逛Tesco,在那里的Popular书店发现了它... 现在它很红... 重一本小说演成戏剧.. 差不多每个人都在传着它的故事... 猜到了么? 就是 <那些年,我们一起追的女孩>.. =D 它的cover之后我才发现,原来开起来是一个海报,那个戏的宣传海报.. 哈哈~ 无端端多了一个海报... 等我把Sabriel看完了,我就会看这本书了... 蛮想知道讲故事的情节... 就这样咯... 虽然回去KL了还要做工,但我相信我会找到时间来读完那些书的..^^

Home Sweet Home

Just finished my last paper of my sem 2 final.. Just hope that I can pass this paper... Arghh... I just suck in accounting.. Going into doubt that I should take up accounts as major as planned.. Sighhhh.... Ahh... Whatever.. What is pass is the past.. The most important thing right now is..... HOLIDAY!!!! Woohoo.... Imma gonna enjoy till the max! Drove back to my lovely little hometown -- Sitiawan straight after my paper ended.. xD 3 hours journey soon ended, and I'm now in my room writing this blog.. =D The special part of my room is that I hid quite a number of things..*laughs* Yeah.. I do have a habit of hiding things, just for fun.. And one day when I totally forgotten about them, I will rummage them out and surprise myself a little.. Lame right? *laughs* But there are some fun part inside that I really loved.. I'll be out and about Sitiawan for 3 days, enjoying food that I missed and looking around the town where I had most of my childhood memories, an...

A big thank you

As can be seen above, the notifications marked in red box... it's increasing in number by the minute.. The greatness of facebook.. *laughs* Now, whoever, no matter close friends, normal friends, acquaintances, even long-lost contact friends, will come to wish you.. although it looks abit not so sincere, but the weird feeling of happiness, when all these kinda people suddenly pop out from nowhere, telling you happy birthday with your name on it.. Well ok.. cut out those who send only a "happy birthday".. But 90% of my wall posts are so friendly, I felt acknowledge.. Really thx you guys, although most of you will just write on my wall once a year...*laughs*
Sighhh... I know I shouldn't feel guilty about this, cuz me as a worker have the right too to take leave.. Although this reason sounds abit feeble.. >< I don't always do this.. Just these few days.. You know I'm working under a not really suitable timing. I just hope you will understand me.. If you really do, you will be more respected in my heart.. =)

Birthday celebration

This post will be full of photos and vids.. LOL My birthday celebration this year has the most celebration.. 3 celebrations! *laughs* But really thanks you guys for tonight's celebration, you lift my mood up :) Ok.. Continue with story of my celebration.. 1st celebration was with my collegues on the 4th Nov, on Friday.. Because we have 2 people, including me, having our birthday in the month of November. So they decided to celebrate for us at 1 go. I really appreciate that.. =) I had a blast that night.. =) Lighted bday cake.. Nice shot.. Credits to my bff, esther <3 we extinguish the candles using hands, LOL me with the other November boy xD we were abit awkward la.. =.= my beloved PIC (supervisor =D) my messy hair ruin the pic as always.. >.< My BFF =DD Those who attended =) a group photo with me inside.. aish.. i look same size like joey.. =((( a last pic before we headed home that night This vid was super funny =.= we were...

Happy birthday to me

In approximately 7hours, it'll be my 21st birthday.. I'll be officially off age for any country ady.. LOL But... just too bad I'm not really in the mood for birthday celebration, although I deeply appreciated to my close friends who will be celebrating my birthday with me tonight and tomorrow.. *big smile* Anyway... I guess I know what my birthday wishes are ady.. =) Here's some birthday cakes I googled up myself.. Whoever can give me these cakes, it'll be super AWESOME! *laughs* Nike shoe and NY cap! Wii design.. Creative.. LOL Imma hollywood star? xD Actually I find a key shape for a 21st bday cake is really meaningful =) Ahahhaa... It's awesome ait? xD The 1st pic is my best choice.. I'm a fan of cool sneakers and caps anyway.. *winks*


可能是考试的原因吧... 最近的心情好会变... 现在心情是处于郁闷-ing.... 它,就那么无原因的来... 看着凌乱的桌子,乱放的notes,看着身穿工作服,心情不禁有点低落... 我告诉人说,我要考试了,但是也在做工... 人家说我笨... 考试怎么还做工... 但他们不明白.... 我做工是偷偷摸摸的,因为钱... 不想给妈妈那么大的负担... 要跟朋友出去玩,但是没钱,也不想跟妈妈开口... 我是知道后果,我也知道辛苦... 我不是想放弃,我只是想说出来,心中好过一些... 我现在最大的希望,就是在考场里,我不会对题目发呆就好... 我会尽力! 对于自己凌晨爬不起来读书,现在的压力,应该是惩罚吧... 没关系...我受得起... 陈舒惠,你行的!


看来... 我孤单的感受又回来了... 虽然不讨厌,但是有时候很是自欺欺人~ 不讨厌,但看到其他人那么要好,心里还是不仅酸酸的.... 我的housemate们~ 除了我有6个,4个看来蛮要好的... 我因为时常工作,回来时都超过10点了... 出去时,也是碰不到~ 搞到现在,他们看到我,最多也只是个打招呼罢了... 昨天回去时,看到他们4个在客厅谈天... 很起劲...自己也不知道怎么插一脚... 当时工作回来,也很累了,加上想着考试的来临,根本也没mood去跟他们哈拉... 我一直想.... 等过两个月吧..两个月后,我就没做工了,就有多点时间... 那时...我是否能和他们相处呢? 我希望是可以.... 我不希望自己被人家看着是那种不友善,是个loner的人... 我..... 其实很爱朋友,很爱人群,很爱热闹.. 虽然事实的我,不知道如何达到这个心愿... *叹气.....*

English or Chinese?

Sighhh... Seems like no people visit my blog.. Sad liao la... ToT But I will keep on, maybe one day, people will start to notice my blog, who knows? >_^ I'm still thinking, should I blog in english or chinese? My english is ok, just a bit SMS language, and sometimes sucky in describing.. My chinese has the worst grade out of the 3, in my primary to secondary years, but somehow I can manage some good sentences when inspiration comes.. So, what do you think? (anyone who reads my blog) Give some comments? I would be very much appreciate it.. =)