English or Chinese?

Sighhh... Seems like no people visit my blog.. Sad liao la... ToT
But I will keep on, maybe one day, people will start to notice my blog, who knows? >_^

I'm still thinking, should I blog in english or chinese?
My english is ok, just a bit SMS language, and sometimes sucky in describing..
My chinese has the worst grade out of the 3, in my primary to secondary years, but somehow I can manage some good sentences when inspiration comes..

So, what do you think? (anyone who reads my blog)
Give some comments? I would be very much appreciate it.. =)


  1. follow your mood lol
    nowadays i seldom blog but tweet alots
    when i feel like writing chinese i went to 微博
    if english then i post on twitter XD

  2. haha..why so many ppl go on微博liao de? ><
    i think blogger is good enough la.. =p

    yeah.. i'll just follow mood.. hahaha...

  3. weibo alot things to read leh
    all celebrities at there yo
    i can update wilberpan nickkhun jolintsai status anytime XD

  4. haha.. icic.. nvm la.. i stick to blogger.. =D


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