Google Translate? You made me laugh so hard! xD

To translate something word by word, Google Translate may be a big help..
But to translate a story, you'll just be reading bulls**t la.. xD
I find this too funny not to share out..
Actually it all started, when a friend of mine shared out a ghost story in Chinese..
She don't know how to read chinese, and she tried to use google translate..
But the translated story made her even confused and the story which supposed to be scary, become not scary at all ady.. xD

Well here you go... xD

Original :
馬來西亞人都知道的真實故事以前在當地有一對年輕夫婦,妻從未去過雲頂高原他們帶著些許現金上雲頂高原玩去,說也奇怪夫的手氣本來一直很好 從一開始就沒輸過沒想到直過了半夜十二點時反而開始大把大把的輸直至半夜兩三點時, 就把一整天贏下來的錢全都輸光了由於輸到連住一晚飯店的錢都沒有夫妻倆只好開夜車下山就開到半山腰的時候車子突然沒油了那時已是三更半夜,往來幾乎無車,四周也沒住家夫就叫妻好好待在車上 絕對不準下車,夫自己則下車去找救兵

妻正好覺得睏 便小睡片刻也不知道睡了多久醒來時, 夫竟爾尚未回來雖然驚慌 卻也不敢下車 便一直待在車上良久, 妻突然覺得有一件事情很奇怪:她坐在車上 偶爾還是會遠遠的看到有車開下來但每一輛偶爾經過的車 在遠遠的時都還是用很正常的速度行駛,卻在經過她這輛車時就會用很快的速度衝過去 ?然後再用正常的速度繼續行駛

妻越想越怕而且夫也不知去了多久 卻還未回來 .爾後 突有一輛警車出現隔著一段距離的向妻用擴音器廣播要妻速速下車 到他們這輛警車來且絕對不能回頭看一眼,妻很害怕 不知道是發生了什麼事連警車都來向她廣播,當下下了車 往警車走去,並依言不回頭看到了警車一名警員神色慌亂的用力將她拉上車來妻順勢回頭望了一眼 警車快速的疾駛而去就降望了一眼,妻還是看到了..


隔天警局去尋夫 在離妻那輛車約兩百公尺處發現了夫的屍體,一具沒有人頭的屍體...這件事在當時似乎鬧的很大,報上還有登出黑白照片好像是其中一名警員拍的,馬來西亞幾乎每一個導遊都知道這個故事也都有著那份刊著黑白照片的剪報.


Translated :

Malaysians know the true story of a young couple in the local, the wife had neverbeen to Genting Highlands.They go play with a little cash on the Genting Highlands.That strange husband luck would have been good from the beginning had not lost I did not expect. Straight after a midnight. But start a lot a lot of lost. Until the middle of the night two or three all took a whole day to win down the moneygambled. No money lost to even one night hote. lThe couple had to burn the midnight oil down. Open to the hillside when the car suddenly running out of oil. It was already the middle of the night, between almost no cars, surrounded by notdwelling. The husband called his wife a good stay in the car is absolutely not allowed to get off. Husband himself got out to look for reinforcement

The wife just feel sleepy take a nap. Do not know how long sleep to wake up when her husband unexpectedly Seoul has not yet come back. Although the panic, but did not dare to get off they stay in the car. A long time, his wife suddenly felt very strange there is one thing: She sat in the car occasionally or far to see the car down. Each an occasional passing car in the far or the speed of normal driving.But she this car will soon speed rush?Then the normal speed to continue driving

His wife grew more and more afraid. But her husband did not know to go long but have not yet come back.Later sudden a police car across some distance to the wife with loudspeakers broadcasting. To his wife haste to get off to their police car. And must not look back.The wife was afraid I do not know what happened. Even the police car radio, to her the moment out of the car and walked to the police car,And the conduct itself does not look backSee the look of panic force of the police car a police officer to pull her car toThe wife of homeopathic looking back at a police car and quickly sped awayTo drop to glance at the wife in to see ..

One the Liaoning teeth dressed in white, green surface of the ghost is sitting in his wife car to the top of the bite with a head ...

The next day police actively look for her husband discovered the car two or three hundred meters in from the wife the husband's body,A head of the corpse ...It seemed to trouble the greatNewspaper also log out of the black and white photographs seems to be a police officer shotMalaysia almost every one of the guides know that this story has a share of theJournal of black and white photographs of newspaper clippings.


For those who can understand chinese, you will really laugh.. xD


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